To the specific conduction procedures that unemployed insurance concern changes, can be sure to the society of former unit seat agency orgnaization seeks advice deal with. 对于失业保险关系转移的具体办理手续,可到原单位所在地的社会保险经办机构咨询办理。
The unemployed insurance premium of unit pay presses the formulary row of wealth tax section to raise. 单位缴纳的失业保险费按财税部门的规定列支。
Schism, amalgamative ( annex) the unemployed insurance right that the unit after is enjoyed and assumes former unit and obligation. 分立、合并(兼并)后的单位享有和承担原单位的失业保险权利和义务。
According to the concerned regulation of country and province, unemployed insurance insurant is in provincial cross as a whole when unit of area shift work, be accompanying of unemployed insurance concern is transferred, but unemployed insurance fund is not transferred. 根据国家和省的有关规定,失业保险被保险人在省内跨统筹地区变换工作单位时,失业保险关系随同转移,但失业保险基金不转移。
In unemployed insurance premium collect a respect, like be being planted with other risk, collect by cess Wu mechanism, insurant individual answers the unemployed insurance premium of pay, withhold from inside its salary before imposing individual income tax by place unit. 在失业保险费的征收方面,同其他险种一样,由地方税务机关征收,被保险人个人应缴纳的失业保险费,由所在单位在征收个人所得税前从其工资中扣缴。
During unemployed personnel gets unemployed insurance gold, reach legal and emeritus age, can you still get unemployed insurance gold? 失业人员领取失业保险金期间,达到法定退休年龄的,还能领取失业保险金吗?
The limits collecting pay of unemployed insurance premium includes: private enterprise of company of state-owned company, investment of town cooperative, foreign trader, town and other town business reach its worker, the institution reachs its worker. 失业保险费的征缴范围包括:国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业和其他城镇企业及其职工,事业单位及其职工。
Unemployed insurance and system of safeguard of townsman lowest life coordinate each other. 失业保险与城市居民最低生活保障制度是相互配合的。
Below market economy condition, as country and government, want hard to create all sorts of conditions on one hand, solve obtain employment problem stage by stage, is to should build system of perfect and unemployed insurance on the other hand. 在市场经济条件下,作为国家和政府,一方面要努力创造各种条件,逐步解决就业问题,而另一方面就是要建立健全失业保险制度。
According to the state council "unemployed insurance byelaw" regulation, town is enterprise or business unit action makes a worker with farmer contract, ought to deal with unemployed insurance for its, pay unemployment insurance premium. 根据国务院《失业保险条例》的规定,城镇企事业单位招用农民合同制工人的,应当为其办理失业保险,缴纳失业保险费。
Concern of insurance of unemployment of unemployed insurance personnel crosses those who save move, concern of insurance of unemployment of be accompanying of unemployed insurance expenses delimits accordingly turn. 失业保险人员失业保险关系跨省转移的,失业保险费用随同失业保险关系相应划转。
Unemployed insurance premium is mixed by the unit the individual is collective pay. 失业保险费由单位和个人共同缴纳。
The country implements unemployed insurance system compulsively through legislation, by the society concentration establishs fund, provide the system that material helps to the because of unemployment worker that suspends source of income temporarily. 失业保险制度是国家通过立法强制实行的,由社会集中建立基金,对因失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助的制度。
Seat of unemployed insurant former unit and census register seat are not same, unemployment hind can enjoy unemployed insurance treatment in unit seat, optional also choose enjoys unemployed insurance treatment in census register seat. 失业的被保险人原单位所在地与户籍所在地不相同的,失业后可以在单位所在地享受失业保险待遇,也可选择在户籍所在地享受失业保险待遇。
Of unemployed insurance gold extend standard and minimum wage standard and link up with of standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life. 失业保险金的发放标准与最低工资标准和城市居民最低生活保障标准挂钩。
Unemployed insurance gold, it is the basic living expenses of the unemployed personnel that shows orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency presses a regulation to pay to accord with a condition. 失业保险金,是指失业保险经办机构按规定支付给符合条件的失业人员的基本生活费用。
Answer: Unemployed personnel cannot enjoy unemployed insurance treatment below the circumstance of active abdication. 答:失业人员在主动辞职的情况下不能享受失业保险待遇。
Unemployed insurance gold cannot one-time extend, can extend by the month only. 失业保险金不能一次性发放,只能按月发放。
The unemployed insurance gold that unemployed personnel has not get that month can be gotten along with all the others by its family member. 失业人员当月尚未领取的失业保险金可由其家属一并领取。
Below what circumstance can be the getting deadline of unemployed insurance gold lengthened? 失业保险金的领取期限在什么情况下可延长?
And explain get unemployed insurance pay what to procedure need? 而申领失业保险待遇需要什么手续呢?
During unemployed personnel is getting unemployed insurance gold, die, whether offer fair compensation from inside unemployed insurance fund? 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,能否从失业保险基金中给予一定补偿?
When the worker is dealing with account of individual of endowment insurance relation, endowment insurance to transfer, unemployed insurance concern is transferred together, turn a ground and the unemployed insurance capture that turn into the ground expend around of fixed number of year to incorporate. 职工在办理养老保险关系、养老保险个人帐户转移时,失业保险关系一同转移,转出地与转入地的失业保险缴费年限前后合并。
Answer: already dealt with unemployed insurance to register the unit of formalities in orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency, should to seat cess Wu mechanism deals with pay unemployment insurance premium to register formalities. 答:已在失业保险经办机构办理失业保险登记手续的单位,应到所在地地方税务机关办理缴纳失业保险费登记手续。
After business failure, cannot seasonable obtain employment, consult professional oneself without application again, if accord with the condition that enjoys unemployed insurance treatment, can enjoy unemployed insurance treatment lawfully. 企业破产后,不能及时就业,又没有申请自谋职业的,如符合享受失业保险待遇的条件,则可以依法享受失业保险待遇。
Got one-time find a place for the unemployed worker of cost, cannot enjoy unemployed insurance treatment again. 领取了一次性安置费的失业职工,不能再享受失业保险待遇。
Have "unemployed insurance byelaw" the unemployed personnel of rated condition, gotten unemployed insurance gold, avoid grant to impose individual income tax. 具备《失业保险条例》规定条件的失业人员,领取的失业保险金,免予征收个人所得税。
The society is sure to include: endowment insurance, unemployed insurance, medical treatment insurance, inductrial injury insurance, birth insurance. 社会保险包括:养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险。
Moreover the system of the relevant Labor adjustment and aid system scattered in three systems: the employment policy, the income distribution system and the unemployed insurance of social security. 我国目前的体制中并没有完整的、成体系的劳动力援助制度,与劳动力援助有关的制度分散在就业政策、收入分配制度和社会保障中的失业保险三大体制中。